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Moving the Needle: 10 Lessons Learned from our FinOps Evolution

The pain point

As we navigate through the winds of economic uncertainty, it's important to keep a watchful eye on our expenses. Especially when it comes to cloud services, where the invoices can quickly swell if left unmanaged.

For many organizations, cloud expense is a major (and impactful) cost. The ability for engineers to become the purchasing team created a unique challenge - governing the spending and efficiency of our workloads. With the increasing awareness of the critical need for efficient management of the production environment, more and more companies are taking proactive actions to reduce their cloud expenses, starting with implementing FinOps within the organization.

Based on the FinOps Foundation’s “State of FinOps 2023”, three of the “Top Challenges” for practitioners are empowering engineers to take action, organizational adoption of FinOps, and leadership buy-in for FinOps. In this article, we will present how we approached it at Wix.

Want to read more? Visit Wix Engineering to read the full article!

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